Channel: NowThis Nerd
Category: Entertainment
Tags: killsmoviedopplegangertetheredjordan peele usevil twinevil twinsus moviedoppelgangersthrillerlookalikeexplainednow this nerdscenepeelemoviestrailertwinsnowthis nerdjordan peeledoppelgangernerdscaryustethersdeathswinston dukehorrorus trailerdoubletwin peakshow to kill doppelgangersus jordan peelemonstersget outduplicatekill countanalysisdoppelgängernowthisscissors2019how to killevilcreepycliplupita nyong'odavid lynch
Description: It’s hard being your own worst enemy, so this week Andrew Rivera offers an in-depth guide to dealing with doubles and duplicates with How to Kill Doppelgangers. » Subscribe to NowThis Nerd: In the new Jordan Peele horror movie Us, the director of Get Out returns with another terrifying tale, this time about the evil twins known as doppelgangers. Throughout history, they’ve gone by many names, but whether you call it a doppleganger, or doppelgänger with the umlaut, evil twin, double, duplicate, lookalike, or imposter, seeing your evil alternate doppleganger is an creepy, scary, unsettling experience, which is exactly why the Jordan Peele Us movie is all about the terrifying tethered. With Us, Jordan Peele has spun a tale of tethers and twins that terrorize a family made up of Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o, and from the first sight of the scissors in the first official Us trailer, we were salivating over every trailer, clip and scene in the hopes of Us analysis or getting Us explained before the thriller is released in theaters in 2019. Throughout horror history, doppelgangers have been a staple of movies, TV, games, and more, and while they’ve racked up quite the kill count, the kills and deaths in doppelganger movies play second fiddle to the psychological terror. From David Lynch and Twin Peaks to Evil Ash Williams in Army of Darkness, doppelganger horror teaches us that the true monsters are within. #us #usmovie #watchyourself #jordanpeele #horror #howtokill Get more from NowThis Nerd: » Like Us: » Tweet Us: » Follow Us: Get more from NowThis News: » Subscribe to NowThis: » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: NowThis Nerd is your one stop shop for everything from movies and TV to games and comics. We’re committed to fueling the conversation about the nerd world and nerd culture. Join us every week as we geek out and explore topics such as sci-fi, aliens, monsters, superheroes and villains, comics, Marvel, DC, and so much more.